Saleschart “From ‘hits’ to ‘page views’ to ‘uniques,’ people have been trying to quantify online media since its inception, but as the Web has matured, metrics have lagged. Until now.”  So begins a recent BrandWeek article by Kenneth Hein.  Well how about measuring sales?  Isn’t that after all why we advertise?

At the Yaffe Group our direct marketing clients expect all the normal reports showing opens, clickthrus, uniques, etc. but we don’t stop at that.  Rather we match up the customers who bought with the ones we contacted, so we measure results just like we do with any of our direct marketing efforts.

With this information we can work to improve the subject line to increase opens and we can refine our list to make sure the message is relevant.  Focusing on both of these will help to increase sales.  But without knowing sales, marketers are only guessing how many opens and clickthrus they need.

Michael Morin

Executive Vice President

Yaffe Direct

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