I recently came across an article on trendwatching.com that introduced me to 5 different categories of which one can measure personal status. They are called "Transient Lifestyles," "Participative Lifestyles," "Connecting Lifestyles," "Eco-Lifestyles" and "Add Your Own Status Lifestyles." I found it very interesting and very noteworthy… especially for those of us that don’t qualify for a high level of status based off of the old standards (me). To see the article and exactly what each one’s about, click here. Take a look and see if you might fit into any of these categories. Satch (aka birthday boy) Wanna do a status-check to see where you stand? It’s not as simple as it used to be. In the past people could just look at the amount of material possessions they claim and base it off of that (which they probably still can do). But, with the way the world is constantly changing through digital media, niche groups, online living, environmentalist…and so on. The way we measure individual status has evolved right along-side.