Video of the Week: Social Media Revolution 2013

Brand recomendations on twitter factSeems every few months some new astounding facts come to life about the digital and social media world we live in. And inevitably somebody will combine those facts into a video with snazzy animation and catchy music. The Social Media Revolution 2013 is one such video. It's an update of some of the previous versions many of you have seen, yet it pulls in some new information I haven't seen before. 

In less than four minutes you'll be entertained and learn some new facts about where our world is heading. This particular video was only uploaded to the web a few days ago, so it's pretty current.

It's always good to have a quick refresher like this, whether it's to learn new things or just motivate you to press harder to take advantage of these changes before your competition can.

So, without further ado… enjoy the video!

 Social Media Revolution 2013

What did you think? Did you learn something new or get motivated to do something? I'd love to hear your reaction. 

Mike McClureMike McClure, highlighting the revolution, lighting one if by Facebook, two if by twitter.

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  • Experts also point to a long-pending but imminent revolution in the social media space in the coming years: the inclusion of regional language content. “Social media being largely a personal mode of communication, people prefer to communicate in their native language.

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