August 9, 2007 in Branding, Current Affairs, and 2 others
Wanna do a status-check to see where you stand? It’s not as simple as it used to be. In the past people could just look at the amount of material…
August 9, 2007 in Branding, Current Affairs, and 2 others
Wanna do a status-check to see where you stand? It’s not as simple as it used to be. In the past people could just look at the amount of material…
July 10, 2007 in Direct Marketing, Marketing, and 3 others
I’m not a big time shopper. In fact I’m probably like most guys. Get in, get it and get out of there. However, there have been times when the anal…
June 20, 2007 in Branding, Current Affairs, and 5 others
How awesome is this going to be? It looks very impressive. But, how revolutionary is it actually going to be? Will it drastically change the way people operate as a…
June 13, 2007 in Current Affairs, Direct Marketing, and 2 others
My turn again to write the blog, so here goes…. Earlier this year my brother-in-law went to Iraq with the Marines, which filled us all with a lot of fear. …
Talk about your Super Moms! Who has time to do all this stuff? In today’s weekly Trend Talk, we discussed a new website that, in their words, "is the home…
April 25, 2007 in Advertising, Current Affairs, and 2 others
Some days you get the bear and other days the bear gets you. When you are up to your… in alligators, it's really hard to remember that your original intention…
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