December 13, 2007 in Current Affairs, Our life, and 2 others

Pumped Up, Ratings Down

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Well, the Mitchell Report comes out today (12/13), indicting hordes of baseball stars of being on the “juice” i.e. steroids.  For die-hard sports fans, this is big news.  But does…

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October 3, 2007 in Advertising, Direct Marketing, and 3 others

Your TV is talking to you.

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For a long time, variable imaging has allowed marketers to personalize direct mail messages and make them relevant to their customers for a long time. Email marketing offers an opportunity…

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September 11, 2007 in Film, Games, and 6 others

What are you watching?

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So, the rush is on to create video content for the web. You probably already knew that. But, apparently the big movie studios are just waking up to that fact….

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July 20, 2007 in Branding, Current Affairs, and 5 others


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You’d have to be completely cut off from the world not to hear bout the upcoming release of the Simpson’s movie.  The buzz generated from the Simpsons/7 Eleven partnership has…

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February 5, 2007 in Advertising, Current Affairs, and 4 others

The consumers are watching

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I get to write my blog entry right after the Super Bowl; one of the occasions when the advertising industry can either shine or come across as total morons.  There…

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