The Evolution of Office Communication

Is the office phone and voice mail ancient relics? I was surprised when I got back from a week's vacation and saw the red light on my phone indicating I had a message. I was further surprised to find out I had 7 messages. It got me to thinking about how little business communication gets done over the phone any more.

Mobile office It's not like I didn't check in while on vacation. I mean, I am one of those people who never really takes a complete vacation from work. I check my office email at least once a day and on several of those days devoted at least a half hour or so answering them. I also run the company social media, so I checked the company Facebook page, blog stats, YouTube channel and spent time sending and answering company tweets, as well as my own. But, not once did I ever consider checking my voice mail. I used to do that on vacation. But not any more. Guess it's an indication of how we do business these days.

How about you? Do you check your voice mail still when away from the office? Or do you just rely on your cell phone, email and social media channels to keep in the loop? And what does that say about business and society in general?

Mike McClure, waiting for your comment, email, blog, text, tweet, status update… but not your call, apparently.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • goodsha says:

    good post. you know i figured out that emails , social media like facebook ,twitter etc are not agent unless related to work communication …and so can wait are for. however my personal line and voice messages , might be urgent and got to check on the every once in a while. can’t live without my cell actually

  • Mike McClure says:

    Thank you for your comment and kind words, goodsha. I find most of what’s on my office voice mail is people trying to sell me something. Now, the cell phone is a different story – always with me and always check it. It’s also how I get my work emails around the clock and while away.

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