Girls_computer Engagement. It's one of the buzz words you hear all the time. But, it's true. With all the choices for the consumer's media time these days, you need to engage them in order to capture and keep their attention long enough to get your message. You need to give them something interesting or they will move on.

This is not just an excuse to be more creative with your marketing messages. It really works. It drives sales. Over and over again, we've seen that when we add an embedded video on our email marketing, creating an Advercast rather than a simple promotional email, sales go up. We tell everyone that we see a 34% lift in sales when we send out these Advercast emails. But, the numbers go up from there. We've seen incredible lifts in sales just by adding the video element. And we can see that we've increased engagement with these as well. The average person spends over a minute more on our Advercasts than on the promotional emails.

And you don't have to spend a lot of money to do it. It helps if you spend enough money to shoot or animate something spectacular. But you can create engaging videos for less if you get creative. Here's some of videos we created for our clients Advercasts. None of them cost more than $3000.

Video for the RoomPlace President's Day Sale email

Video for Robb & Stucky's Advercast

If you'd like to see more of our award winning web videos we've used to increase engagement and sales visit the podcast section of What other ways have you seen engagement result in sales?

Mike McClure, engaged and enthused

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