Mugsy My dog is as dumb as a stump. But, there's one thing we all can learn from him, whether you're an individual or a company. You see, he understands what will make him warm and happy. On cold winter days, even if there's just a sliver of light coming through a crack in the blinds, he'll find it. And he'll lay there with sunshine falling on his face and have himself a little snooze. No matter how dark the house is, he'll find that little ray of sunshine and bask in it – even when it's just a little strip across his nose.

This concept is something that can work for you, too. What's your ray of sunshine? Is it your family? Your job? A hobby? A good book? Playing a Facebook game? Connecting with your online community? Whatever it is, use it to fend off the darkness whenever you feel it decending on you. The economy looks like it's poised to come back. But, it can't come back soon enough for some people. Maybe you had to take a job you don't like. Or you have bills that add up to more than you make. Don't let the darkness settle on you. Find that thing that makes you feel warm, safe and happy. Then embrace it. Even if you can only find time for a little bit of it, do what makes you happy whenever you can.

This goes for companies and brands, too. What makes your brand shine? What makes your employees feel good about working there? What does your company do that makes consumers feel good about you? Tap into those things and it will not only help your brand or company do well, it'll make all those associated with it feel good. This is why cause marketing, being green or being active in your constituents' online communities are important for companies these days. If you can make yourself and your customers feel good about what you're doing in these hard times, business will bloom when things lighten up.

Find your sunshine and bask in it. It does a body good!

LinkedIn photo Mike McClure, basking in that all-over Yaffe glow.

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