We need alternative sources of positive energy

Positive energy1 Change is all around us. In our country. In the way we do business. Last November we voted for change in big numbers. That's why I find it interesting that there is nightly criticism for the actions our government has taken over the last couple of weeks to try and balance our current economic situation and all of the issues that it effects. And yet, I find that businesses are reacting the same way to the changes they need to make to not only survive, but to become stronger.

For instance, consumers are moving increasingly into new media options. Yet, as I continue to work on new media solutions to today's business problems, something I have done for the last 15 years, it's frustrating the length of time it takes for some businesses to adopt thinking that is fresh and different. Practical, smart solutions need to be examined from the perspective of what they can do for a company now or what positive effect they will have, as opposed to how the ideas don’t embody the old systems and practices that are familiar. The current economic conditions are breeding fear in the consumers and that fear is reflected in the companies and marketers who depend on those consumers. So many companies are afraid of change and are uneasy being in uncharted waters. But, to survive and thrive, we all have to step out of our comfort zones to adjust to new ways of getting things done.

Now, let's go back to the bigger picture nationally. The energetic explosion the new White House has exhibited, right out of the starting gate, with far reaching plans and optimistic goals to shake our economy loose from the current crisis should energize us all. This deluge of action should create a sense of hope and optimism that something is actually being done. That’s not to say that we can act without thought or that we shouldn't ask questions along the way. I’m talking about keeping the thought ratio in balance with actually getting the problem solved. It’s almost as if we are afraid of success.

Solutions are being created and implemented in Washington at warp speed at such a large overreaching scale that we are in shock. Once we adjust to this, maybe this attitude of thoughtful action will trickle down into the workplace.

There is so much to be done related to new energy sources, new technology, new advances every day in biotechnology and medicine. The vast areas of growth for our economy are there in front of us. The course is being corrected from an industrial era to a technological era. We are learning to be more transparent, and accountable with our methods and systems. We need to trust our judgment and keep everything moving forward. This is the energy that will let us sleep better at night. And it's the energy that can help us let go of traditional thinking that's not working any more and move forward. As a country. As companies. As marketers.

The bottom line is if we can discover a well thought out solution that solves a problem, no matter how big or small, we need to run with it. We need to take the steps to make it happen with an open mind, adjusting to make sure it works as we go along. Too much good energy is pent up in over-cautious, stagnant thinking to push forward with confidence and vigor. We need to channel that energy into new ideas and new methodologies that work. Don't follow new trends blindly, but don't close your eyes to new ways of thinking either. If it represents good thinking, we need to all adopt an attitude of "we’ve got your back." Then, together, we can make it happen.

Joan Abraham, Digital Account Supervisor

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