Ad of the Week: Subaru – NBC Green Week

By November 24, 2010Ad of the week, Marketing, media

Subaru green week This has never happened to me before. My wife and I were watching one of the shows we had DVRed. As I was zapping through the commercials (yes, as a maker and lover ads, even I sometimes zap commercials) suddenly I stopped and backed it up. I've had "what the heck is that" moments before where I backed up to see what a commercial is all about. But, this was the first time I backed up because the visual was so stunning it stopped me in my tracks. Watching in HD, the art direction and cinematography literally jumped off the screen at me. I had to back up and watch it.

The spot is a series of "character stories" that Subaru did for NBC's green week. So, technically, they're not officially commercials – but in this day and age, you need to create content like this that isn't an ad yet features your product prominently and ties back to you in a "brought to you by" message. I think it was a savvy move on Subaru's part. The stories are interesting, they give the company a "green" tie in that isn't product specific, yet it is. I mean, really this is an ad for Subaru and talks about their green technology and why the featured character bought one based on that fact. But the strategy is sound and the visual is gorgeous. It's not nearly as stunning on YouTube, but it still is really nice. Enjoy.

 Subaru – NBC Green Week

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Mike less me Mike McClure, Exec Creative Director & Social Media Guy

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