What Makes Seth Godin So Smart?


I’ve read 3 or 4 books written by Seth Godin and liked them a lot. I have seen him speak several times and found his speeches witty and captivating. I read his blog almost every day. I’m on the email list. Heck, before he was really famous I even met him and shook his hand. We had a cup of coffee together. Well at least we were both holding coffee cups as we met in passing in a crowded hallway. Way back then (almost 9 years ago) he was preaching from the gospel of permission based marketing. Talk about being ahead of the curve!

He still stands at that pulpit on a regular basis. However, more often than not he seems to be branching out into other topics and areas. I enjoy all of these for several reasons. I think first and foremost he writes about self reliance. A recent post of his titled Graduate school for unemployed college students gave all of those recent college grads who haven’t been able to find a job some really great advice about what to do about their situation now. Rather than bemoaning the current state of the job market and settling for something to just tide them over (which is great as long as you’re doing more than just that).

In another post, Slack, he writes;

“A lot of corporations have seen dramatic decreases in revenue and have cut back projects as well. In many cases, this is accompanied by layoffs, and so everyone is working far harder.

But in other organizations, and for a lot of freelancers, there's more time than work. In other words,slack time.

Assume for a moment you don't have money to develop and launch something new. So, what are you going to do with the slack?”


Not to steal the thunder in case you want to read his post the 2 suggestions are; Learn something new and earn a following and reputation.

Whether you are a employed, unemployed or freelance, these are simply invaluable and smart nuggets of wisdom.

Mike Morawski

Chief Development Office

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