Did You Remember to Send Your Customers a Valentine Today?

Share the loveIf you forget to send your sweetie a Valentine today – you know you're in for a world of hurt. Because today is day for making sure those dearest to you know how much you care. Which is an excellent time to ask – have you sent your customers a love note lately? Aren't your brand advocates the ones who are nearest and dearest to you? Let them know!

I'm not talking about gushy hearts and flowers here. But in this day of so many ways to connect directly to your customers on a one-to-one basis, you have to let them know how appreciated they are. This could be just a simple thank you. It could be responding to a tweet or Facebook comment they made declaring their love for you. It could be sending them a special offer – just to let them know they are special to your brand. Whatever form it takes, it's something that you must do to keep the brand love flowing. It's not a one way street; the flow has to go back and forth.

We have so much data today. We have so many ways to connect to our customers on a personal level. You need to use it to your advantage. Besides, it's become expected by consumers who connect deeply with the brands they love. But so few companies do the reciprocal love well, that you don't even have to be super good at it to impress your customers. You just need to be better than the low expectations out there – thanks to so many brands doing it poorly or completely ignoring their customers.

You don't have to sit down right now and start sending love notes out. But, if you haven't thought about how you can use the one-to-one tools for connecting available to you, now is the time to start thinking about it. How can you let the people who give your company some love – either by posting about it publicly or just by being a regular customer – that you have noticed and that you care?

My profile picMike McClure, feeling the love

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