Ad of the Week: Target – Color Changes Everything

By February 15, 2012Ad of the week

Target-Color-Changes-Everything-CommercialTarget is at it again – creating another stylishly fun spot that I just love. I saw it for the first time when the minute long version aired the Grammys last Sunday. Twitter immediately blew up with praise for the commercial. And for good reason!

The spot touts color for the new spring fashions and features a hot air balloon landing in a downtown area. Immediately, in clown car fashion, way more people start flipping out of the balloon's basket than ever could have fit in there. Each guy is outfitted in colorful suits befitting of recent productions of Guys and Dolls. The women are outfitted in the same colors, only in dresses. We follow these colorful people as they gymnastic their way through the city and homes, magically transforming everything with colorful products you can get at Target.

The only audio is a very playful version of the French song we learned as kids, "Alouette." It's perfect for the dreary days of mid-winter to think of fun and adding color. At the end they all flip back into the basket and we see the super: "Color changes everything." Even adding in the Target logo is fun, with an overhead shot of the balloon, showing the logo on top of it.

 Target - Color Changes Everything

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. If you have a suggestion for Ad of the Week let us know, here in the comments, via twitter, Facebook or email us at

Mike McClureMike McClure, Exec Creative Director. 

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Leah says:

    I was curious if anyone knows where they got their colorful suits from?

  • Mike McClure says:

    We don’t know, Leah, but if we find the answer, we’ll post it here.

  • Andrea W says:

    This ad puts a smile on my face every time I see it Mike – I wasn’t on Twitter when it first aired so I didn’t know the love was so widespread. (I will say that while I DO love it, I won’t shop at Target anymore than I already do, which I think is enough!)

  • Mike McClure says:

    Yes, Andrea, it won’t make me go any more than I do now either. But it doesn continue to create the high quality brand image I have of them in my head.

  • natalia says:

    I saw a lot of website but I think this one has got something special in it. “As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.” by Dick Cavett.

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