Ad of the Week: Hardees – Fried Bologna Biscuits

By August 11, 2011Ad of the week

Hardees fried bologna commercial old geezer In this "go ahead and cuss, we'll just bleep it out" media climate we live in, you don't hear the phrase "full of bologna" any more. Whether it's reality shows, comedy shows or talk shows – people just let the swear words fly. So, you may find it a bit surprising to see a campaign that is a bit edgy use the "full of bologna" phrase. Yet, that's exactly what the latest TV commercials for Hardee's does.

Of course, it's also the brand promise of their new breakfast biscuit – it's full of bologna, too. The campaign consists of short little tale tales (in :15 second spots) featuring a creepy older naked guy in a sort of emperors new clothes scenario (although instead of thinking his clothes are invisible, the thinks HE is invisible), a guy who's horde of kittens speak English (except for one who speaks Cantonese), a guy who's shower teleports him to a different world and a backwoods type guy who thinks there's a leprechaun living in his tree, who is his best friend.

They may be weird and creepy, but they are different and irreverent. And memorable. And full of bologna. So fry yourself up some processed meat, sit back and enjoy the weirdness that is Hardee's new TV campaign.

 Hardees – Invisible

 Hardees – Leprechaun

 Hardees – Botag

 Hardees – Kittens

Thanks to Bryan Willmert for suggesting this week's commercials. If you have a suggestion for next week, leave it here in the comments. Or on twitter. Or Facebook. Or via email to However you like.

Mike less meMike McClure, Neither invisible nor hanging with leprechauns. But I do enjoy a fried bologna sandwich! 

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